Mahi Tahi
Library Experience
University Project - May 2022
As part of a group project for the university, we were tasked with the challenge of creating a new experience in a Library environment. I worked alongside Alyx Rangihaeata for this project. As a group, we came up with the idea of Mahi Tahi.
Mahi Tahi is a monthly music gig, a space for local musicians to meet, collaborate and perform. Each month, members of Mahi Tahi are paired together. These groups can be formed by the members themselves, or the event holders can match up the musicians. From there, the musicians are challenged to work together and create a performance for the next gig.
The purpose of Mahi Tahi is to create a space that fosters community amongst young musicians- exposing them to other like-minded individuals working within their industry. As Libraries are social, community hubs are an emerging macro-trend within library design.
Mahi Tahi - App
The purpose of the Mahi Tahi app we designed was to create an easy experience for our users to get updates on the event, buy tickets and share their experiences on social media platforms. We have also designed a feature on the app so musicians can register to perform.
The concept behind the design was based on the symbol of the koru, which is often used in Māori art as a symbol of creation. The Koru also symbolizes new life, growth, and strength.